Thursday, June 19, 2008

HubPages and Google AdSense

I found out about HubPages from reading about it on many a freelancer profile. Everyone had boasted how 'user friendly' HubPages was. (??) I didn't find it so easy. I could not figure out how to use the capsules and move them around. I used an article that had been published on Triond so that I would be able to cut and paste to make my first Hub and easy go, being a learneer and all. After 2 hours I was frustrated. I couldn't get my caspules lined up to look the way I wanted them to. I went to sleep that night feeling like it would take 8 hours just to finish one Hub,
The next day, I completed my first Hub and received a Hub Score of 62 on that one. Yey! I published my next Hub that day, in 30 minutes, and received a score of 65. =). I gained Prodigy status and was stoked. 22 hits within an hour and I thought everything was going great, but I could not figure out how I made money off of the Google ads that were posted on the site.
A few days later, I came across Google AdSense and learned, through trial and error, that I would not be able to choose the ads that I wanted on my HubPages. Google pickes them out for you and you earn the revenue when they are clicked on, but you need to SIGN UP with Google AdSense in order to get paid. I was using generic ads on my Blogger pages, You Tube etc... I figured out that I could actually pick out the ads that I wanted and found a site that told me the best 'keywords' to enter for searching for ads, the best click average ad sizes and shapes. I added them to my skinny blogger pages by going to the HTML/Java tab after clicking on "Add to this Page" under the 'Customize' tab. (So do this sequence backwards, Customize", then "Add to this Page" then "HTML/Java".) I was able to copy/paste the Ad Code from the 'manage ads' tab on my Google AdSense Dashboard. Sweet! Customize ads on my pages. I cannot figure out how to put customized add on my PrintNPo$t pages yet.

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